波尔多吉洛(厦门)进出口有限公司是法国吉洛酒庄在亚太地区成立的进出口公司,负责法国吉洛酒庄在亚太地区的招商和推广;法国吉洛酒庄于1869年由皮埃尔.吉洛先生创立,是法国最著名的法国葡萄酒酒庄之一,是最有影响力的纯手工酿造的法国葡萄酒品牌。公司主要负责法国吉洛品牌葡萄酒在亚太地区的品牌运作及招商工作,致力于为广大酒商及葡萄酒爱好者提供优质的葡萄酒及专业的培训和服务;公司自成立至今,已在全国多个省市设置代理商或办事处,建立20多家形象店,并在进口葡萄酒行业中创造了较高的品牌影响力及知名度。多年来,公司一直以 “质量第一、客户至上”为宗旨,以“做最值得信赖的优质进口葡萄酒供应商”为目标,获得众多国内外合作公司的好评。创造宽松、舒心的工作环境,为员工提供广阔的发展平台,是波尔多吉洛一惯以来秉承的宗旨。 公司因业务发展,诚邀您的加盟,一起创造辉煌; 公司网址: http://www.guillot.com.cn/ http://www.spaishwine.com http://www.guillot-wine.com/ http://www.france-wine.cn/ 公司企业文化: 1.宗旨:让世界更加健康 Purpose: to make the world healthier 2.使命:真情回馈社会、回馈员工 Mission: the truth back to society and staff 3.作风: 善开拓、讲效率、重信誉、勤俭办事;  Style: Good opening,effectively,Attention to reputation,Diligence work 4.远景: 2015年法国吉洛酒庄国际连锁加盟店在中国达到80家; Vision: 2015 Chateau Guillot international chain stores in China reached 80; 5.市场理念:只有淡季思想、没有淡季市场;只有疲软的思想、没有疲软的市场;创造新市场、创造新生活; 优秀的市场是优秀的人干出来的; Market philosophy: only the low season thinking, no low season market; only weak thinking, no weak market; create new markets and create new life; good market is an excellent person dry out; 6.营销理念:先推广文化、信誉、后卖产品;  Marketing concept: first to promote culture, reputation, after sales products; 7.执行理念:确认目标、迅速行动、遵守程序、高效协作;  Implementation of the concept: identify targets, which quick action, compliance procedures, effective collaboration; 8.沟通理念:换位思考、坦诚相待;  Communication concept: empathy, frank; 9.用人理念:用人所长 人尽其才培训学习无限成长;  Employment philosophy: training of personnel, director of best use of unlimited growth study 10.员工理念:不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵;   Awarded “Development of Recombinant Keratinase” as a national high-tech project 11.质量理念:体系规范精益求精; Quality concept: system specification excellence; 12.资源理念:不在于拥有多少资源,而在于利用多少资源; Resources philosophy: not to have the resources, but in the use of the resources; 13.职能工作服务理念:经销商是好朋友是战略伙伴; Functions of the job service concept: the dealer is a good friend is a strategic partner; 14.资本运营理念:东方亮了再亮西方; First, to their own trade bigger, good, strong, in this context into related products with the industry‘s business; second, into a new industry, so that after a certain scale, we must rank the forefront of the industry; 公交站点:吕厝站
联 系 人:王小姐 (先生)
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